Saturday 27 October 2012

5 SIMPLE secrets to increase your TWITTER followers by 90%

5 SIMPLE ways to increase your TWITTER followers by 90%

Twitter is getting bigger day by day and it will continue to get bigger everyday. Twitter is one of the many platforms on internet that help you become prominent or web popular. But you MUST have a large amount of followers to help you become prominent. You can utilize your sizable amount of followers to promote your product,blog,website or yourself also.Well, here are 5 SIMPLE ways to increase your twitter followers. I hope it will help a lot. Your feedback will be appreciated.


Promoting yourself is a little time taking but it helps a lot. Mention yourself in every comment or action you take on the internet. For example for every action you take on the internet you paste links of your twitter account or put up a follow button on your webpage or blog. This helps a lot. But be careful about excessive self promotion. This can be harmful at times as it doesn't seem cool to many people and you also lose some followers because of this. But it is safe to promote yourself once or twice a day. Tweet about cool stuff like post funny pictures or jokes in your tweets. You can also attract many people by tweeting about the latest trends on twitter.


Try finding people with similar interests. They will be more willing to follow you as well. Use the twitter search bar to find people with common interests. Increase your social circle and connect with your followers.


Using hash tags also helps a lot to bring more followers to your twitter account. Hash tags are like small links. For example if your blog is about football or education use #football and #education. It helps people of common interests find you very easily. Using more hash tags helps you attract more people(but be careful not to use too many hash tags that it hides the actual tweet)


There are many people on twitter that help you gain more followers. They can help you a lot if you want to benefit from them. Find and interact with these people. They help you increase your social circle and bring you more followers through different ways(follow trains are the most popular).Use the search bar to find them.And to be honest, they might as well be the easiest ways to increase your followers.


Being positive is very important. People often try to discourage you by tweeting negative stuff about you. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them. Be positive and don't give up. The more time you give to your twitter account the more followers you will get. Tweet about popular stuff, like i said about the latest trends and don't forget to use hash tags. Quote popular people and celebrities.DON"T GIVE UP.

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