Friday 9 November 2012

MEME'S/TROLL,FUNNY and RAGE faces collection 1


Here are some more troll and rage faces. Just copy and paste these to where you want. Simple and Easy. Enjoy.

MEME'S/TROLL,FUNNY and RAGE faces collection 2


Here are all the troll and rage faces. Just copy and paste them to where you want.Simple and Easy. Enjoy.

Saturday 27 October 2012

5 SIMPLE secrets to increase your TWITTER followers by 90%

5 SIMPLE ways to increase your TWITTER followers by 90%

Twitter is getting bigger day by day and it will continue to get bigger everyday. Twitter is one of the many platforms on internet that help you become prominent or web popular. But you MUST have a large amount of followers to help you become prominent. You can utilize your sizable amount of followers to promote your product,blog,website or yourself also.Well, here are 5 SIMPLE ways to increase your twitter followers. I hope it will help a lot. Your feedback will be appreciated.


Promoting yourself is a little time taking but it helps a lot. Mention yourself in every comment or action you take on the internet. For example for every action you take on the internet you paste links of your twitter account or put up a follow button on your webpage or blog. This helps a lot. But be careful about excessive self promotion. This can be harmful at times as it doesn't seem cool to many people and you also lose some followers because of this. But it is safe to promote yourself once or twice a day. Tweet about cool stuff like post funny pictures or jokes in your tweets. You can also attract many people by tweeting about the latest trends on twitter.


Try finding people with similar interests. They will be more willing to follow you as well. Use the twitter search bar to find people with common interests. Increase your social circle and connect with your followers.


Using hash tags also helps a lot to bring more followers to your twitter account. Hash tags are like small links. For example if your blog is about football or education use #football and #education. It helps people of common interests find you very easily. Using more hash tags helps you attract more people(but be careful not to use too many hash tags that it hides the actual tweet)


There are many people on twitter that help you gain more followers. They can help you a lot if you want to benefit from them. Find and interact with these people. They help you increase your social circle and bring you more followers through different ways(follow trains are the most popular).Use the search bar to find them.And to be honest, they might as well be the easiest ways to increase your followers.


Being positive is very important. People often try to discourage you by tweeting negative stuff about you. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them. Be positive and don't give up. The more time you give to your twitter account the more followers you will get. Tweet about popular stuff, like i said about the latest trends and don't forget to use hash tags. Quote popular people and celebrities.DON"T GIVE UP.

Friday 26 October 2012

10 best WAYS to increase your blog traffic


Here are some really awesome ways to help you attract or promote traffic to your blog or website. Hope you find them useful. Your feedback will be appreciated.

1. Write Well and Often

Updating your blog frequently is the secret to have a successful blog. Writing quality content will keep readers coming back for more. Make sure you have something meaningful to say to them and say it often to maintain their interest and keep them loyal.
Furthermore, post frequently to increase the number of chances you have for your blog's content to be noticed by search engines as Google or Bing.

2. Submit Your Blog to Search Engines

Get on the radar screen for the popular search engines such as Google, by submitting your blog's URL to them. Most search engines provide a 'Submit' link (or something similar) to notify the search engine of your new blog, so those search engines will crawl it and include your pages in their results.
You must know that simply submitting your blog URL to search engines won't pop up your blog's name on top of the search list, but at least your blog will be eyed and will have the chance of being picked up by a search engine.
You can submit your URL to some search engines as below

3. Use and Update Your Blogroll

By adding links to sites you like in your blogroll, the owners of those blogs will find your blog and will be likely to add a reciprocal link in their blogrolls. It's an easy way to get the link to your blog in front of many readers on other blogs. The hope is that some of those readers will click on the link to your blog on the other blogs' blogrolls and find your content interesting and enjoyable turning them into loyal readers.

4. Affiliate Traffic.

Affiliate traffic is when you pay a third party a referral fee for getting targeted traffic to your site. Affiliates use their own online marketing techniques, methods and internet real estate to advertise your blog or product and send the traffic to your site. But you must not do this until you are more established as affiliates want to know expected conversions in return for their investment.

5. Paid Banner Advertising

Banners are perhaps the oldest form of advertising on the internet and perhaps the most effective. They act much like billboards in real life. You place a banner in an area of high traffic and when some someone shows interest in what you are offering then they click through and are taken immediately to your site or landing page.The publishers money demand increases with the increase in the traffic.

6. Email Newsletters

When you have gone through all the hard work of attracting people to your site then you want to be in a position to take that relationship to the next level. For some that may be buying your product or service or joining your membership program, but whatever it is you want to get people to subscribe to your email list.
People who have subscribed to your email list have shown an interest in what you do and what you talk about. They have expressed a desire to learn more about you and these are the most valuable type of blog readers.
When you publish a new blog you can send your subscribers an email to let them know you have new content for them to consume. If you make the email compelling enough then you will automatically have a flood of traffic to your blog.

7. Harness the Power of Comments

Commenting is a simple and essential tool to increase your blog's traffic. First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions and draw them into a two-way conversation. This will increase reader loyality.
Second, leave comments on other blogs to drive new traffic. Make sure you leave your blog's URL in your comment, so you create a link back to your own blog. Many people will read the comments left on a blog post. If they read a particularly interesting comment, they are highly likely to click on the link to visit the commentors website. It's important to make sure you leave meaningful comments that are likely to invite people to click on your link to read more.

8. Use Links and Trackbacks

Links are one of the most powerful parts of your blog. Not only are links noticed by search engines, but they also act as a tap on the shoulder to other bloggers who can easily identify who is linking to their sites. Linking helps to get you noticed by other bloggers who are likely to investigate the sites that are linking to them. This may lead them to become new readers of your blog or to add links to your blog from theirs.
You can take links to other blogs a step further by leaving a trackback on the other blog to let them know you've linked to them. Blogs that allow trackbacks will include a link back to your blog in the comments section of the post that you originally linked to. People do click on trackback links.

9. Tag Your Posts

It may take some extra time to add tags to your blog but its worth it as it brings loads of traffic to your blog or website. Tags can be easily noticed by search engines. They're also key to helping readers find your blog when they perform searches for the stuff they desire.

10. Never Give Up

Most people lose because they give up very soon. It takes a lot of effort to succeed in your goal. To have a BIG blog you must write big and to write BIG you must give a lot of effort and write quality stuff. You may attract traffic through different techniques but you won't be able to let them stay on your page until you have soon really cool and quality stuff. So keep trying.

Monday 15 October 2012

Facebook/Twitter/Chat Symbols and Faces

Facebook/Twitter/Chat Symbols And Faces

Just copy and paste these faces and symbols to where you want.



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I'm Glad

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Regular cigarette: (̅_̅_̅(̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅()ڪ

Lucky strike cigarette: (̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̲̲̅̅̅l̲̅u̲̅c̲̅k̲̅y̲̲̅̅̅_̅_ ̅_̅() ڪے

Marlboro cigarette: (̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅м̲̅a̲̅я̲̅l̲̅b̲̅o̲̅r̲̅o̲̅̅ _̅_̅_̅() ڪے


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Sunday 14 October 2012

Top 10 Killer Tips To Become Popular On Twitter

Top 10 Twitter Tips And Tricks

Following are the listing of top 10 MOST favourite tips and tricks. This tips will make your Twitter experience more enjoyable and help you attract thousands of new followers (this maybe little boring for the pro's).


The first most important thing after you've started your twitter account is to customize your account :

  1. Change your profile picture. Use a picture of yourself to make it seem more personalized if it your personal account. Or choose an attractive, relevant picture which suites the type of your account.
  2. Utilize as much of the 160-character limit twitter bio space allows. Use keyword and hash-tags your followers or your potential followers maybe searching for.
  3. Create your own background image.The background image must be less than 800k and we recommend a size of 1600x1200 for a larger image or smaller if you plan on tiling the image or just having it on the left-hand side. Many people use their background image for advertizing. You can do that as well when you get sizable amount of followers.

Use Twitter Search 

Take full advantage of the Twitter search tool. Below are just a few tips that can help improve your search capabilities on Twitter.

  1. Search for your website or blog URL and see if others are mentioning your page.
  2. Find people who you may enjoy following by searching for keywords that interested you.If you do not want tweets with links add ? -filter:links at the end of your search query.
  3. Need more options, use the Advanced Twitter search.
  4. There are many people out there who help you in promoting your account. Search for them. They will help you a lot in increasing your followers. You can ask for shout outs,mentions, Rt's etc.


  1. Engage with your followers.
  2. Do not follow too many people. Twitter has a limit that you cannot follow more than 50 people in one hour.Besides that it doesn't seem cool that you have too many FOLLOWING than FOLLOWERS.
  3. Try attracting people with your tweets and retweets (RT's). Using hash tags help alot.
  4. Participate with people having lot of followers. You become more prominent that way.
  5. Try to have a small follow:following ratio.

Create And Use Lists

Twitter lists are an excellent method of filtering filter through the people you follow. To create a list, click the lists link and then Create a list. After creating a list visit the persons profile page you wish to add and click the list icon, as shown in the picture to the right.

Know The Lingo

Know the Twitter lingo, these are just a few examples: @reply, Direct Message (DM), Follower, Hashtag, Retweet (RT), Trending Topics, and Tweet. See the Twitter description for a full listing of Twitter terms and Lingo and related terms.

Third Party Tools

Take advantage of the hundreds of different third-party online tools and services that enhance your Twitter experience. Below are a few of our favorites.
  1. TwitPic- Take advantage of TwitPic to post pictures on your tweets. If you want to post pictures while away from the computer, use the Twitterific app.
  2. Qwitter - Great service that sends an e-mail any time someone unsubscribes from your Twitter profile and mentions a possible Twitter post you made that may have caused them to leave.
  3. Manageflitter - Fantastic site for managing your followers and getting an easy to read overview of people not following you back, quiet users, and inactive users.
  4. WeFollow - Great website that allows you to add yourself to a listing of Twitter users by tags you find interesting.
  5. SocialOomph Another great service with a collection of free Twitter tools including the ability to schedule when a tweets gets posted.
  6. Tweetbeat - An excellent site that takes the trending topics on Twitter and gives you a clearer explanation of present and past trending topics.
  7. TwitterMeme - Another great location to find the hottest links on Twitter.
  8. Twitter Grader - Great service that grades any Twitter account and gives you additional details and ranking information.
  9. Twitter Fan Wiki Apps - Finally, this wiki has a listing of several hundred different Twitter applications and tools for users wanting more.

Creative And Useful Tweets

  1. Try making your tweets useful, informative, funny or accordingly to your account e.g if your account is of sports than tweet regularly informative tweets about it.
  2. Add hashtags to your tweets e.g for about football use #football or about     interesting facts use #infofacts.
  3. Tweet frequently and regularly. No one is going to follow someone they do not know who has not tweeted in months. Try at the very least to tweet a few times a day or minimum once if you can manage.
  4. Try making your valuable tweets during the times people will most likely see them.
  5. Keep some space available in your tweet in case someone retweets your post.
Go Mobile

Apple iPhones, Blackberry phones, Android phones, Windows phone 7 phones, and most of the other smart phones have Twitter applications. Take full advantage of these applications, so you can stay in touch at all times. For users who do not have smart phones Twitter also has extensive support for SMS, which can send tweets over a text message.

Find People Near You

Take advantage of the Places options in the advanced Twitter search interface to filter tweets to a certain area.


This is the best part. There are lots of services available online that help you generate revenue from your twitter account. But before you start advertising be sure to have enough amount of followers (make the minimum target of 5k).
Here are few SERVICES that might help you .

I hope you find the article useful. Your feedback will be appreciated.

Saturday 13 October 2012

5 BEST Sevices That Help Make Money With Twitter

5 Services That Help You Earn Money With Your Twitter Account

Making money with twitter has become very famous now a days. There are lots of websites that help you make good use of your sizable twitter followers. Here are five simple services that can help you monetize your account, potentially putting cash in your pocket and even increase the traffic to your profile.

  1. MyLikes
My likes lets you earn money by tweeting about products you like. What you have to do is share the links of products or websites you like and you get paid on a per-click basis. The service has variety of campaigns to choose from (from auto products to  travel). Simply choose a campaign relevant to your audience and tweet about it. MyLikes tracks all your campaigns to formulate a quality score of each user. The higher the quality score the more you get paid per click. MyLikes  pays on weekly basis via PayPal or Amazon gift cards.

     2. SponsoredTweets

Sponsored tweets is an online marketplace that allows you to connect directly with advertizers to engage in sponsored conversations through Twitter. You have to choose an amount for your each tweet (based on your followers) and then the advertisers approach you if your deal attracts them. Simply set your price, add 
a category and some keywords, and then wait for offers to roll in. You can accept or reject these offers based on what your interests are.

     3. Pay4Tweet

Pay4tTweet is a site that allows you to sell your tweets. You set a price, ranging anywhere between 1$ to 10,000$, and people are then allowed to purchase a tweet on your Twitter page for the price you set. When a buyer purchases a tweet, he or she pays through PayPal and the tweet is sent out as soon as the payment is cleared. 

      4. Netflix Affiliate Program

Netflix Affiliate program is a service that gives you links that you can share with your followers and encourage them to sign up for a free one-month trial of Netflix. You can earn money for each new costumer who signs up. Simply you get paid for the number of people you encourage to sign up for Netflix.

     5. Amazon Associates

The Amazon Associates Program allows you to create a special link for any Amazon product. You can use that link to refer your followers or audience to that product, and if anyone buys the product through your referral link, you can earn up to 15% of the sale.